认识一些努力维护北滩文化和特色的人, one of San Francisco’s oldest neighborhoods.
当大多数人得知贝博体彩app是一个人口不到一百万的城市时,都会感到震惊, 挤在一个狭窄半岛顶端的49平方英里的网格上. 一个在公众想象中如此巨大,对我们的文化有如此强大影响的地方,怎么可能, 我们的政治, and the technology that shapes our lives be so…small?
The same could be said of 北海滩这里是贝博体彩app的一个社区,很多人都认为这里是世界上最繁华的地方 heart of the city. 这么小的一个社区怎么能成为并保持作家的灯塔呢, 艺术家, and filmmakers who would shake the world with their creations?
To the people who live and work here, the answer is simple: a respect for tradition, a curiosity for what’s new, and a belief that your neighbors are part of your family.
Where People Come to Create
艺术家 杰里米鱼 30年前搬到贝博体彩app,大部分时间都住在北滩. 他决定在这里扎根,既是为了找到一套千载难逢的公寓,也是为了了解这个社区的艺术史.
“这里是爵士音乐、作家和诗人的中心,”他说. 费林盖蒂(Ferlinghetti)、凯鲁亚克(Kerouac)、金斯伯格(ginsberg)——所有这类人物都让这一切发生在这个社区."
“垮掉的一代”的场景激发并吸引了下一代的颠覆者. In 1972, 电影导演弗朗西斯·福特·科波拉买下了哨兵大楼, 位于哥伦布大道、杰克逊街和科尔尼街交汇处的北海滩标志性建筑. Some of his most memorable films were brought to life in this neighborhood; he worked on the screenplay for 《贝博体彩》 at 咖啡的里雅斯特 和编辑 《贝博体彩app》 in the Sentinel basement.
Lidia Valledor has managed 咖啡馆西洋镜, which occupies the ground floor of the Sentinel Building, for the past 16 years and knows its history well. “弗朗西斯来自洛杉矶,想要创造一个新的工作空间,”她解释说. “He created American Zoetrope, his production company. He put his office here. He moved his family here. For Francis, 北海滩 is a very special place.”
As part of the generation that came after Coppola, 杰里米相信,这种创新精神仍然在北滩焕发着活力. 他说:“这个地区的创意企业已经复苏。. “这个社区有着真正关心艺术的悠久传统.”
“There’s a sense that if you’re going to create, create here.”
A Neighborhood Family
Lidia was born and raised in Argentina. 北滩的多样性和热情好客是她留下的原因. 她说:“这里有一种非常欧洲的氛围,融合了各种文化。. “I think everybody feels welcome in this neighborhood.”
Fellow transplant Jeremy agrees. “I moved 3,000 miles to go to art school out here. I have zero family on the West Coast. This neighborhood has become my family.”
It should come as no surprise that 北海滩, one of the oldest neighborhoods in the city, is full of family-owned businesses. 其中包括 佛罗伦萨之夜这是一家经典的意大利餐厅,现在由Giusti家族的第四代经营.
“佛罗伦萨之夜 was opened in 1987 by my father, 塞吉奥, 还有我妈妈, 玛西娅, with the help of my grandfather,” says current owner Nadia Giusti. “My father does all the cooking. He learned all of his recipes from his mother in Italy.”
Nadia和她的弟弟Paolo在这家餐厅度过了他们的童年, but their involvement as adults wasn’t always a guarantee. “我在时尚界工作,喜欢它,”纳迪亚回忆说,“但后来我来帮家里一点忙. A little bit turned into a lot. 现在我每走一个街区,都会遇到15个我认识的人.”
Yet Nadia has no regrets. 她自豪地谈到这家餐厅是如何成为人们生活的一部分的, 其中一个家庭的母亲节传统是《贝博体彩》. “They’ve been coming for 30 years, and they used to be a family of seven: grandparents, 父母, 年幼的孩子. 现在,那些孩子有了孩子,现在他们的派对大概有37人.”
“It gives me joy every day. We get to see…families building and growing.”
The 城市的中心
对利迪娅来说,北海滩从容的天性是其吸引力的一部分. “People can come here and relax,” she says. “你可以带着一本书来到这里,坐下来,喝杯酒……没有人会把你赶出去。.”
“北海滩 is going to be more and more special with time. So, I think it’s our job to preserve that.”
对杰里米, 北滩经受住了多次变革的方式是这个社区与众不同的地方. 例如,当你坐在的里雅斯特咖啡馆(咖啡的里雅斯特)时,“你不知道现在是1950年、1980年还是2010年. It just has a very timeless quality to it.”
However, change can be good—if it’s done right. Nadia说她和Paolo经常见面问对方, “什么需要改变……这样我们才能在社区中变得更好?”
这种对未来的态度确保了明天的北滩仍然是今天的北滩. “There’s so much to see here,” says Nadia. “There’s so much art on the walls. 有壁画. There’s beautiful parks, beautiful churches. There’s great restaurants, great shops. 酒 bars, regular bars, dive bars—just a lot to see!”